To celebrate the re-launch of this blog, 25 copies of the latest booklet by Ps Joseph Prince entitled “Thoughts For Let-Go Living / 31 Thoughts to Let Go of Worry and Stress” will be given away totally free-of-charge!
P.S. I first got the booklet back in Nov 2017 as part of a 3-pack “Let-Go Bundle” which also included the Book and Study Guide. It was then sold as a separate item last month.
However, it was only when Ps Mark referred to it in his sermon today (18 Feb 2018) that all of a sudden they became like hotcakes that flew off the shelves and tables at all the various campuses mere minutes after the 1st service ended.
That was when the Lord prompted me to place an order for 25 of them.

Here is a write-up on the booklet...
Stressed out, burned out, and weighed down by worry and anxiety?
Release your cares and burdens to the Lord through this 31-day thoughts and prayer booklet!
Each thought is paired with grace-filled Scriptures and a prayer that will help you to experience the power of the let-go life. Let Jesus dispel your fears and rest your soul as you immerse yourself in His powerful promises. Replace negative thoughts with His encouraging thoughts, and release your cares and burdens to Him through the simple heartfelt prayers here. As you cultivate the habit of letting go of every care to Him and anchor your heart on His Word, you will experience His peace, His supply, and His victory in every challenge!
So how do you get to be 1 of the 25 blessed receipients? Very simple!
(1) Go to the "Tough Questions Seekers Have" (TQSH.sg) Facebook page and Like it
(2) Share the TQSH.sg Facebook post with the hashtag #TQSHsgGiveaway