Sunday, February 25, 2018

What Is The Ultimate Treasure For Every Seeker?

Yesterday, I blogged about the Hebrew language being the only digital language. This allowed the scribes to copy the original texts that were written by Moses, Joshua, David, etc with great accuracy and precision, and without any error or omission because they could verify this via "row subtotals" and "column subtotals". 
the interlinear Bible leaves the Word untranslated

With this background, let us look at Genesis 1:1. 

Hebrew reads from right to left. Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew is "ba'reshiyth bara elohiym eth ha'shamayim neth ha'erets".

Take note that the scribes had to copy the passage in its entirety, even though there was a word in there that did not seem to make any sense, and may even have appeared superfluous to them.

If we look at a Hebrew-English interlinear bible, note that the word eth appears in this verse, but is not translated! This word is made up of the letters "aleph" and "tav", which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

It was a mystery to the scribes when they copied it down through the ages, but the mystery was finally uncovered by the apostle John a couple of thousand years later.

In Rev1:8, Rev 21:6 and Rev 22:13, we read that Jesus declared that He was the Alpha and Omega

The book of Revelations was written in Greek because that was the language of commerce during the apostolic age, hence Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.

But what language did Jesus speak to his fellow Jews, such as the disciple John and the apostle Paul?  

For that, let us look at what Luke records for us in Acts 26:14 
14 And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads (NKJV)
In this verse, Paul (then known as Saul) is recollecting his Damascus Road experience in which Jesus had appeared to Him in a vision. Note that the Holy Spirit saw fit for Luke to record specifically that Jesus spoke HEBREW to Paul.
Aleph-Tav, Jesus' signature

When we put all these together, we realise that Jesus would have spoken to John in Hebrew too, and in those 3 verses in Revelations, He had declared to John that He was the Aleph and the Tav, ie. the first and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

When we link this back to Gen 1:1, what Jesus was in fact telling John was that He was that untranslated Word that the scribes had to diligently copy down through the ages, without understanding what it meant.

If we now link this to John 1, we can conclude that the Word being referred to in that chapter = Aleph-Tav = Jesus.
1 In the beginning was the Word (ie. Aleph-Tav), and the Word (ie. Aleph-Tav) was with God, and the Word (ie. Aleph-Tav) was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. 14 And the Word (ie. Aleph-Tav) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 
In other words, Jesus had deliberately put His own "signature", right there in the beginning, in the first verse of the first chapter of the first book.

The above revelation was obtained from a sermon by Dr. Larry Ollison entitled "The Hebrew Language".   The following is an extract from that sermon where he talks about the signature of Jesus appearing in Gen 1:1

Several years ago, Michael Drosnin wrote a book called The Bible Code, in which he claimed that the Bible contained hidden codes about various people and incidents in history. 

Well, the true Bible Code is that the person of Jesus is hidden in the Old Testament Scriptures, and as Christians, it is in our interest to uncover and unveil Him, because the more we know about Him, the more we know our own position, since we are co-heirs with Him. It is in our interest to know more and more about Christ, because as He is, so are we in this world.

Right there in Gen 1:1, His signature is found.

In Gen 3:15, God the Father prophesied that Jesus would be the seed of Eve that would crush Satan's head.

In Num 21, the snake in the desert that cured the Israelites was a picture of Jesus being lifted up so that all who believed in Him may have eternal life (Jn 3:14-15).

And there are many, many more nuggets of truth in the Old Testament Scriptures (Noah's Ark being a type of Christ, Jesus in the genealogy of Noah, Joseph being a type of Christ, Boaz being a shadow of Christ, etc, etc)

When we as seekers start to realise that the Old Testament contains numerous hidden treasures of our Lord Jesus, the Bible becomes like that mystery novel that we just cannot put down! Our hunger and thirst for the Word of God intensifies, as the Holy Spirit progressively unveils and uncovers Jesus, yea even in seemingly "dry" books like Leviticus, Numbers and Lamentations!

Paul says that ALL Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for equipping us -- and ALL means ALL -- including genealogies, numbers, names, etc. There are no insignificant details in the Bible.

So what is the ultimate treasure for every seeker of the truth? It is to uncover the person of Jesus and His finished work on the cross.

* P.S. There are many other passages in the Old Testament whereby Jesus had deliberately put His "signature" for the scribes to copy. 

To set you on your journey of discovery, I would highly-recommend this DVD entitled "Aleph-Tav: Jesus' Signature in the Bible".

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Just How Accurate are the Scriptures?

Let us go back to basics today.  Even before seekers ask tough questions about the Bible, they must first be able to clear any doubts they may have about the accuracy and reliability of the Bible itself.

When I first started work as an auditor back in 1991, one of the areas of work that we as first-year assistants were assigned to carry out was what was then known as Section J, which was the fixed assets of the company we were auditing.
casting and cross-casting
The J lead schedule (or summary page) looks similiar to what you see on the right.

The rows would show the various types of fixed assets (eg. furniture, motor vehicles) while the columns would show their movement during the year (eg. amount brought down from last year, additions and disposals during the year).

During that era, we did not use electronic workpapers yet, which means to say that the J lead schedule was an A3-sized landscape piece of paper, and every single figure had to be manually written onto it.

To ensure that the figures were accurately transcribed, we had to cast (add downwards) and cross-cast (add across) using a calculator. If we arrived at the same grand total, this would give us a reasonable assurance that the individual figures were also accurate.

Of course now with Microsoft Excel, this task is much more simplified, and the casting and cross-casting formulae can be incorporated into the spreadsheet.

Which brings me back to today's subject matter.

The original Scriptures (what we now call the Old Testament) were written in the Hebrew language. In those days, there was no photocopying machine. So if one wanted to make a copy of a particular manuscript, he had to do so page by page, letter by letter.

Each letter of the Hebrew language has a number associated with it. For example, the first letter "aleph" equals one, the second letter "beth" equals two, and so on.

Hence, each and every row and column on a particular page of a manuscript could have a subtotal, similar to the fixed asset lead schedule mentioned above.

After a scribe had painstaking copied a particular page of a manuscript, he will cast and cross-cast to check if he arrived at the sub-totals as indicated on the page he copied from. If any of the sub-totals were wrong, it would mean that he made a mistake somewhere, and would have to throw that away and start all over again (correction fluid was not available in those days).

Those of you out there in my era would be familiar with cassette tapes. Cassette tapes are "analog", hence a recording made of a song, for example, would not retain the quality and clarity of the original. Nowadays, we are in the digital age of CDs and DVDs. These are considered "digital", so copies made retain the quality and fidelity of the original.

God, in His wisdom, had created Hebrew to be a "digital" language, so that the copies that were handwritten by those scribes retained the precision and accuracy of the very first original that was written by Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, etc.

The above revelation was obtained from a sermon by Dr. Larry Ollison entitled "The Hebrew Language". The following is an extract from that sermon where he talks specifically about the digital characteristics of Hebrew.

In closing, let me share another very interesting fact. When Moses was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Pentateuch, he included in the very first verse of the first chapter of Genesis the Hebrew characters "aleph" and "tav" (which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet). Because of the digital nature of the language (where sub-totals had to tally downwards and across to ensure precision and accuracy), the scribes could not drop these two characters from the copies that they hand-wrote, even though these 2 letters appeared superfluous to them.

Tomorrow we will take a closer look at the significance of those 2 letters.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

“Thoughts for Let-Go Living” Booklet Giveaway

To celebrate the re-launch of this blog, 25 copies of the latest booklet by Ps Joseph Prince entitled “Thoughts For Let-Go Living / 31 Thoughts to Let Go of Worry and Stress” will be given away totally free-of-charge!

P.S. I first got the booklet back in Nov 2017 as part of a 3-pack “Let-Go Bundle” which also included the Book and Study Guide.  It was then sold as a separate item last month.

However, it was only when Ps Mark referred to it in his sermon today (18 Feb 2018) that all of a sudden they became like hotcakes that flew off the shelves and tables at all the various campuses mere minutes after the 1st service ended.

That was when the Lord prompted me to place an order for 25 of them.

Here is a write-up on the booklet...

Stressed out, burned out, and weighed down by worry and anxiety? 

Release your cares and burdens to the Lord through this 31-day thoughts and prayer booklet! 

Each thought is paired with grace-filled Scriptures and a prayer that will help you to experience the power of the let-go life. Let Jesus dispel your fears and rest your soul as you immerse yourself in His powerful promises. Replace negative thoughts with His encouraging thoughts, and release your cares and burdens to Him through the simple heartfelt prayers here. As you cultivate the habit of letting go of every care to Him and anchor your heart on His Word, you will experience His peace, His supply, and His victory in every challenge!

So how do you get to be 1 of the 25 blessed receipients?  Very simple!

(1) Go to the "Tough Questions Seekers Have" ( Facebook page and Like it

(2) Share the Facebook post with the hashtag #TQSHsgGiveaway

(3) In the comment section of the Facebook post, type in what a Christian should use to "connect the dots" in the Bible?  Clue: The answer can be found in this post entitled "Connecting the Dots via the Scarlet Thread"

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Normal Service Has Been Resumed

Dear friends

So much has happened since the last time I blogged.

Stay tuned! Don't touch that dial.
But the good to emerge from all this is that the Holy Spirit has prompted me to continue where I left off in this endeavour in discovering the answers to tough questions seekers have.  It has taken nearly 5 long years but better late than never I suppose :p

To recap, here are my 15 blog entries so far:

Welcome Aboard!

Q1: Is Paradise the Same as Heaven?

Q2: Where Did Adam & Eve's Grandchildren Come From?

Q3: How Did Dinosaurs Enter The Ark?

Q4: Are There Aliens in Outer Space?


Q5: Why Did God Punish Some People Yet Allow Others to Get Away Scot-Free?

Q6: Why Was Noah Spared The Flood?

Q7. Why did God Not Punish Abraham for Lying about his Wife?

Q8. Wasn't God Cruel to Test Abraham by Asking Him to Sacrifice Isaac?

Q12. Will I See My Pet in Heaven? (Is it OK for Christians to Eat Animals?)

Q13. Why Was God So Inconsistent in His Treatment of the Israelites?

In Q5, I listed down a table showing how God seemed to allow some to get away relatively scot-free and yet unfairly treated or even severely punished others.  The general answer is that those whom He spared were in His "perfect will" of bringing about the promised seed, whereas those that were punished were unfortunately used by the devil to come against His "perfect will".

I shall next blog about Rahab and Achan so stay tuned!

S/N (Link)
Got Away Relatively Scot-free
Punished / Unfairly Treated 
Scriptural Reference
Those who perished in the flood
Genesis 9:20-27; Genesis 6:9-8:22
Pharoah, Abimelech
Genesis 12; Genesis 20
Genesis 25 - 27
Judah and Tamar
Er and Onan, Reuben
Genesis 35:22; Gen 38
The Israelites (between Egypt and Mt Sinai)
The Israelites (after Mt Sinai)
Exodus 1-18; Exodus 19 onwards
Joshua 2; Joshua 7
All other inhabitants of Canaan (ie. Jericho, Ai, Jerusalem, etc)
Joshua 9; Joshua 6, 8, 10, 11-13
Judges 8:30-31; Judges 11:31
Naomi's family (husband Elimelek, and sons Mahlon and Kilion)
David and Bathsheba
Uriah the Hittite
2 Samuel 11
Gomer (Hosea's wife)